std::tuple 類型的範圍轉換為 Table 實例#

雖然上面的範例展示了一種相當手動的列到欄轉換方法,但 Arrow 也提供了一些範本邏輯,用於將 std::tuple<..> 類型物件的範圍轉換為表格。


std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string>> rows = ..
std::shared_ptr<Table> table;

if (!arrow::stl::TableFromTupleRange(
      rows, names, &table).ok()
) {
  // Error handling code should go here.

反之,您可以使用 TupleRangeFromTable 來使用 Table 實例中的資料填滿預先分配的範圍。

// An important aspect here is that the table columns need to be in the
// same order as the columns will later appear in the tuple. As the tuple
// is unnamed, matching is done on positions.
std::shared_ptr<Table> table = ..

// The range needs to be pre-allocated to the respective amount of rows.
// This allows us to pass in an arbitrary range object, not only
// `std::vector`.
std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string>> rows(2);
if (!arrow::stl::TupleRangeFromTable(*table, &rows).ok()) {
  // Error handling code should go here.

Arrow 本身已經支援此轉換的一些 C(++) 資料類型。如果您想要支援其他資料類型,您需要實作 arrow::stl::ConversionTraits<T> 和更通用的 arrow::CTypeTraits<T> 的特化。

namespace arrow {

struct CTypeTraits<boost::posix_time::ptime> {
  using ArrowType = ::arrow::TimestampType;

  static std::shared_ptr<::arrow::DataType> type_singleton() {
    return ::arrow::timestamp(::arrow::TimeUnit::MICRO);


namespace arrow { namespace stl {

template <>
struct ConversionTraits<boost::posix_time::ptime> : public CTypeTraits<boost::posix_time::ptime> {
  constexpr static bool nullable = false;

  // This is the specialization to load a scalar value into an Arrow builder.
  static Status AppendRow(
        typename TypeTraits<TimestampType>::BuilderType& builder,
        boost::posix_time::ptime cell) {
    boost::posix_time::ptime const epoch({1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0});
    return builder.Append((cell - epoch).total_microseconds());

  // Specify how we can fill the tuple from the values stored in the Arrow
  // array.
  static boost::posix_time::ptime GetEntry(
        const TimestampArray& array, size_t j) {
    return psapp::arrow::internal::timestamp_epoch
        + boost::posix_time::time_duration(0, 0, 0, array.Value(j));
